Bagaimana kami dapat membantu
Changemaker Index® (Indeks Pembaharu) (CMI) memberdayakan perusahaan untuk menilai, mengembangkan, dan merayakan keterampilan Changemaker/Pembaharu, menyelaraskan upaya tim dengan dampak global.
Tingkatkan kemampuan tim Anda
Tim HR dapat mengoptimalkan pengembangan bakat dengan mengisi kekurangan keterampilan melalui program pelatihan berbasis CMI, mendorong budaya changemakers yang proaktif.
Memimpin dengan tujuan
Pemimpin CSR dan DEIA dapat memperkuat inisiatif mereka dengan memanfaatkan CMI untuk mengidentifikasi dan membina agen perubahan internal, menciptakan efek riak perubahan positif.
Perkuat Dampak Anda
Tim penjualan dapat menguatkan narasi mereka dengan semangat perubahan, menunjukkan komitmen sosial perusahaan melalui wawasan CMI.
Membangun Masa Depan yang Berkelanjutan
Tim keberlanjutan dapat menyelaraskan target mereka dengan pengembangan karyawan melalui CMI, menggabungkan pertumbuhan pribadi dengan misi keberlanjutan perusahaan.
Inovasi yang menginspirasi
Pemimpin C-Suite (sekelompok eksekutif senior) membentuk masa depan kepemimpinan bisnis dengan data CMI, menginovasi proses dan strategi yang menyongsong perubahan cepat serta mendorong budaya penciptaan perubahan.
Changemaking Resources for Employers
Explore articles, videos, podcasts, courses and more on how educators can develop changemaking skills at your business.
"Empathetic Leadership Helps Level the Playing Field"
Boston Consulting Group explores how empathetic leadership--leaders who approach their teams with a mindset of openness and growth-- can foster psychological safety, boost innovation and financial performance and build a fair, equitable and inclusive workplace.
Empowering Leadership: Embracing Endogenous Dynamics
Published by the University of Warsaw, this article introduces the kind of leadership that fosters bottom-up dynamics, empowering people, groups, teams and societies.
How Changemaker Employees Will Accelerate Corporate Sustainability
Could it be that a density of changemakers leads to better sustainable outcomes or that companies with high sustainability attract more changemakers? Ashoka aims to explore this question in collaboration with companies and research partners.
Leaders’ portfolio: psycho-social mechanisms augmenting creativity
There is a consensus that creativity is one of the pivotal characteristics of a contemporary leader. There are however no publications indicating how the leader may augment own, as well as the team’s creativity. The article fills this gap, focusing on the type of creativity which is a long-lasting propensity – as opposed to one creative act usually considered in literature.