How We Help


Develop a Changemaking Mindset

Individuals use the CMI to develop a mindset that embraces empathy, creativity, and problem-solving, which are crucial for making a positive impact in any situation.


Make an Impact at Home

Utilize the CMI to understand and improve your role in creating a positive environment at home, fostering changemaking habits within your family.


Engage with Your Community

Engage with your community more effectively by using the CMI to understand and improve your collaborative and leadership skills, driving collective action and social innovation.


Apply Skills at School and Work

Apply your changemaking skills in your school or workplace to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration, contributing to a more inclusive and dynamic environment.


Drive Systems-Level Change

Use the insights from the CMI to engage in broader systemic changes, advocating for policies and practices that drive large-scale social and environmental impact.


Activate Other Changemakers

Leverage your CMI insights to inspire and mentor others in their changemaking journeys, building a network of empowered individuals committed to making a difference.

A Changemaker is anyone who envisions a better reality, takes action to enable that reality and activates others to join them in shaping that reality for the good of all.


Changemaking Resources for Individuals

Discover articles, videos, podcasts, and courses designed to help you develop your changemaking skills and make a greater impact in your personal and professional life. 


Who Cares? (Film)

WHO CARES? carries a very empowering message for individuals: anyone can be a changemaker, regardless of leadership or marketable skills. It starts with having a vision for society while seeking accomplishment in one’s life through contributions to improving the lives of others.


Why Everyone Can be a Change maker

In this interview the 'Godfather of social Entrepreneurship', Bill Drayton, tells us that anyone can drive change if they just give themselves permission. This is the story of someone for whom making a difference is ingrained into his family history and how he lives up to that legacy by fostering a pipeline of Changemakers for the future.


The Empassion Scale: Introduction, Validation, and Application

Empathy and compassion are the key factors in both successful business and a harmonious life, should appear together, as empathy without compassion may lead to negative results (e.g., it may be used for manipulative behaviors), while compassion without empathy may lead to uninformed mercy. This article reviews the current knowledge on empathy and compassion, as well as methods for measuring them.


Make a Difference: How to be the Change you want to see, Ara Kusama

Since beginning her social entrepreneurial journey at 10 years old with Project Moo, Ara was quickly recognised as a Changemaker of the future, becoming an Ashoka Youth Venturer aged 11. Ara has gone on to launch a number of organisations including Aha! Project, a scheme to improve the access of study resources for children during the pandemic.

Take the Changemaker Index™ Assessment

Ready to fully realize your potential? Take the CMI assessment today and gain insights into your unique changemaking skills. Use this knowledge to drive personal growth, engage more deeply with your community, and advance your career. 


Get in Touch

We're here to support your changemaking journey. Whether you have questions, need more information, or want to share your story, fill out the contact form below. We look forward to connecting with you!