The Science Behind the Changemaker Index™

The Changemaker Index™ is an innovative tool that enables individuals to evaluate their core competencies as changemakers, giving them the necessary guidance to enhance their abilities in driving social and environmental change. The tool's framework was created through a meticulous process that included a literature review, identification of subdimensions of the four Changemaking Skills, and careful selection of validated scales and constructs. The research team selected the final set of 30 statements that are shared in the assessment based on high factor loadings and strong predictors of the model. With this tool, individuals can identify areas for improvement and receive valuable resources to further develop their skills. 


Changemaking skills are crucial for addressing the pressing challenges of our time, creating meaningful impact, and building a more just and prosperous world for all.


Identify your changemaking skills and start your changemaking development journey. 





Elevate your workforce with the Changemaker Index™ and unlock the potential for innovation and impact in your organization. 


Discover how the Changemaker Index™ fosters a culture of innovation, social, and positive environmental impact in educational institutions. 



Utilize the Changemaker Index™ to spark transformative change within communities and maximize the impact of collective efforts.